A Pop of Color

One of my greatest joys in life is color. Since my jewelry focuses more on celebrating form, I channel my love of color into digital paintings.
painting of a woman in fronts of a sunset with long flowing hair, sunflowers on her skirt, and golden light emanating from her heart
2024 "Sunburst" 

Pouting woman with a pointsetta on her head. Words above read Merry Christmas
2023 This one is just silly but I love Christmas and I love street art. I wanted to do a self portrait that captured some of that grungy street art feeling but still playful and festive. 

Colorful painting of woman of color. She has closed eyes, blue curly hair, and a robin on her shoulder.

2021 This one was made as a gift for my mother who loves all birds and is herself a Robin. I wanted to create an image for her that evoked peace, contentment, and just... that sumptuous feeling of basking in a warm beam of sunlight and knowing life is good.

2021 "Celeste" She was originally designed as a pendant, but then asked to be painted instead. I imagine her commanding the skies. Not only candlelight, even the stars bow down before her. 

2021 "Sweet Like Candy"

One day I was thinking it would be fun to do a pendant/art piece of a girl blowing bubblegum. I've seen art like that before, and I wanted to do my own version of it, so I thought, what if everything about her was candy? I personally don't eat much candy, but I occasionally have to hold myself back from buying it just because it looks pretty. 

So, I ended up with this bubblegum girl with Princess Leia Candy Hair and candy corn horns, as Konpeitō falls all around her like confetti. She's a whole vibe and I love her. 

2021 "Queen of Curls" 

Artwork shows woman in Rosie the Riveter pose, with eyes closed and Z's over her head. Text reads "We can do it, even in our sleep." and "Narcolepsy Warrior"

2019 "The Sleepy Warrior" In December 2018 I was finally diagnosed with Narcolepsy after 2 decades of hallucinations, cataplexy, and disordered sleep being consistently misdiagnosed/misattributed. Since being properly medicated I have been learning to sleep, to heal, and have regained so much clarity, stability, and happiness. 

I had seen various narcolepsy merchandise using the Rosie the Riveter "We Can Do It" stance, but they were mostly clip art that seemed to be used for a variety of disorders. This inspired me to create a more narcolepsy specific version, as well as to broaden representation with a version for black women (to be uploaded soon). Since then I was also asked to design one for East Asian representation, and I am still working on that.

A somewhat abstract artwork of a woman whose face in profile is also an owl.

"She Saw Through an Owl's Eyes" This one is quite old now, I think the first sketch goes back to my college days, and this version of it is from 2017. My original color-blocking was done with simple earth tones and without texture, but here I played around with making it feel more like they were in a forest, somewhat obscured by foliage.

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